Cisco's Wireless Control System will centralize the configuration and management of the plant's Wi-Fi network, reducing overall cost of ownership. 思科的无线控制系统将集中配置和管理工厂的Wi-Fi网络,减少总体拥有成本。
Focus on China used plant Network, you will discover a new continent! 关注中国二手设备网,你将发现一片新大陆!
Research on Marine Combined Electrical Power Plant and Electric Network Power Quality; Synthesis Control Algorithm for Parallel Synchronous Generators of Marine Power Plant 船舶多模式电站与船舶电网电能质量研究船舶电站同步发电机组综合控制算法
An excellence design of plant control network will provide a reliable guarantee for stable production. 设计良好的工厂控制网络为稳定生产提供了可靠保障。
Causes of 110 kV cable terminal faults of Bao Steel Power Plant and countermeasures Network in internet bar, terminal equipment maintenance and recovery processing 宝钢电厂110kV电缆终端故障原因分析及对策网吧网络及终端设备维护与故障处理
Companies are Jinan first machine tool works, Sichuan Changzheng Machine Tool Plant of the network company. 公司是济南第一机床厂、四川长征机床厂的网点公司。
We are pleased to be working with Cisco to extend our offering to include wireless plant network solutions with the security and reliability required in the process environment. 我们很高兴和思科一起,致力于扩大我们的供应范围,使其包括具有在过程环境需要的安全性和可靠性的无线工厂网络解决方案。
The Design of the Auto-generating System of Power Plant Network Module 电站网络模块自动生成系统的设计
Due to the separation between plant and network and the bidding system, opportunities and challenges coexist for the future of Daqing Thermoelectric Power Factory. 面对厂网分开、竞价上网的新形势,大庆油田热电厂的未来,机遇和挑战并存。
In this paper optimal techniques of water environmental comprehensive control was sudied based on the projects of water environmental treatment in plant river network area, which provided theory thereunder for city water environmental constructure planning. 本文结合平原河网地区水环境治理项目,进行了河流水环境综合整治优化技术及方案的研究,为城市水环境建设规划提供了理论依据。
Exploration of the Curriculum of the Thermal Power Plant Network 《热力发电厂》网络课程开发
Plant network can control water brush by scattering the rain fall to prevent to be concentrated runoff. 植物网格可分散水的流向,使降水不易形成集中径流,起到防冲刷的作用。
In order to precisely describe the information flow from 1E degree to non 1E degree subsets of the network in the Nuclear Power Plant network, a new security information flow mathematics model based on this network is given in this paper. 为了准确描述从1E子网流入非1E级子网的核电站网络的信息流动,本文给出了一个基于核电站网络安全的新的信息流模型。
The Influence of Wind power plant Connected Network on Power System 大型风力发电场并网对电力系统运行性能的影响分析
Based on the safety request of power plant's network, it analyses the safety problem from communication web, protocol web and application web. 根据发电企业内部计算机网络的安全要求,从通信网、协议网、应用网三个方面进行了安全分析。
This paper firstly introduces an extended plant adaptive neural network model which can be on-line adapted conveniently, then presents a method of active noise control using adaptive neural networks. 本文首先引入一个能方便进行在线自适应的扩展控制对象自适应神经网络模型,在此基础上提出一种噪声有源控制的自适应神经网络方法。
The scheme is used in real-time control and precise meterage of weighing coal in thermal power plant. Its network function can connect the coal feeder control system with DCS. 该系统设计用于对火电机组给煤机供煤量的实时调节控制和高精度计量,同时具有网络功能可与电厂的DCS控制系统联网。
The analysis and strategy of valve invalidation in water plant and municipal network 水厂及市政管网用阀门失效分析与对策
According to Produce Craft and Logistics System Analysis, the Iron and Steel Plant Road Network Re-Planning Problems's Research 基于生产工艺及其物流系统分析的钢铁厂路网系统再规划问题研究
Compressibility analysis of hydraulic power plant auxiliary piping network system 计及可压缩性的水电站辅机管网时变系统计算研究
The communication technology of the plant in the network of the machine group is discussed. 研究了工程机械智能化机群网络中沥青混凝土搅拌设备的数据通信技术。
Technique of Highway Slope Protection with Plant Network in Inner Mongolia 内蒙古公路边坡植物网格防护技术
Reconstruction of the First Order Plant Control Network of Nanjing 南京市首级平面控制网的改造
Strict mathematic verification showed that this information flow model is reasonable and safe, which can reflect the safety requirements of the Nuclear Power Plant network. 经过严格的数学证明,新的信息流模型合理且安全,能较好反映核电站网络的安全要求。
At present, with the reformation of the electrical enterprises, the separation of power plant and network, the primary mission of the power plants is to reduce the generating cost and enhance the competitiveness of sales price to network. 随着电力企业改革的深入进行,厂网分开、降低发电成本、提高电厂的上网电价竞争力是目前发电企业面临的主要任务。
This paper systematically introduces the main contents of project implementation and mainly researches the sewage treatment plant construction and network construction. 论文系统地介绍了项目实施的主要内容,重点分析研究污水处理厂建设和管网建设两部分。
There were also instructions for implementation mode of power flow calculation based on structure and operation characteristic of plant power network. 本文还根据火电厂厂内电网的结构和运行特点,说明了算法的具体实现方式。
This paper uses predictive control algorithm implementing the control of the plant through the network. 论文采用预测控制算法,在NS2中通过网络实现对被控对象的控制。
Fourthly, it researches and analyzes project of sewage treatment plant and network part of the construction. 重点分析和研究工程中污水处理厂和管网部分的施工建设。